Sunday, October 28, 2012

1 + 1 (and a 1/2) = 3

Hi!  Welcome to our blog.  We decided that now would be a great time to join the blogging world so that our friends and family near and far can share with us our new adventure.  WE ARE GROWING!!  Kyle and I are super blessed and extremely excited to start our family.  We believe God had a perfect plan at a perfect time and has given us the great privilege of becoming parents.  Nervous, Anxious, and Scared are the words that come to mind when I think about being responsible for another life, but I know that we will take one day at a time and let God lead us.  And, as Kyle would say, "We raised two cats, how much harder can it be?" Haha!  Speaking of kitties, Maverick and Maggie can not wait for a little brother or sister!

Lets start from the beginning and I will give you a recap of the past couple of months....  Kyle and I went on a birthday vacation to Fort Lauderdale in August.  We had a blast (don't get me wrong), but found ourselves always hanging out with families that had little ones.  To experience the beach, the sand, the water through their eyes was so much more exciting!  Through out the weekend we passively discussed (while sipping margaritas at the pool) adding on some time in the future.  Thinking it could take months to years, that was the end of the discussion.  Fast forward to the middle of September when I started getting so tired during the day that I couldn't make it without a nap and would often come home and go to bed by 8:00pm.  I just blamed it on the weather change.  This went on for a couple of weeks and we finally decided that I need to figure this out.  So, one Saturday morning around 5:00am I went to the bathroom took a home test and it was positive.... immediately!  I ran into the bedroom, jumped on the bed and yelled, "Kyle there are 2 lines!"  He leaped out of bed and in a half asleep karate-chop pose looks at me and says, "what the heck does that mean?"  All I could say is baby.  That means a baby.  If anyone knows my husband, they would know that he is not easily persuaded and he was not convinced.  So, when I headed out early to the gym (I couldn't sleep of course!), Kyle made a quick trip to the store and came back with 4 more tests.  ALL POSITIVE!  

That was only week 4.  One of the hardest things we have ever had to do was keep a huge secret from the ones we love.  What made it even more challenging was for the next 3 weekends, we were going to be spending time with them.  We had 2 weddings and a camping trip.  Not easy!  Kyle begged me every single day to tell, but I knew that our families are like the game of Telephone and nobody can keep an exciting secret to themselves.  We decided to wait for our first ultrasound and to see the heart beat before we shouted on the mountain tops.  

LITTLE BEAN @ 6 1/2 weeks.  Heartbeat was 128 bpm.

We waited to tell our family until the following weekend.  Our schedule at work is about 7-7 and most nights I come home and crash.  We took a picture of a pumpkin seed and asked if they knew what it was?.?.?.?  When they couldn't guess anymore, we informed them that it represented the size of their first grandchild!  Yes, first on both sides....No pressure, Little Bean!!  Everyone was ecstatic!  There were tears, laughter, and a couple screams!  Kyle and I both got emotional with every person we told.