Sunday, December 16, 2012

Tis the Season

It's that time of year again...the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season has kept us very busy.  We have had holiday events every night of the week, which has made December fly by so far!  Last weekend, we traveled to Grand Island for a winter wedding of Kyle's high school friend.  It was a beautiful wedding and it is always nice to catch up with old friends.  

Getting ready.

We took a quick "family" photo before we left.

We had another OB appointment this month and got to hear the heart beat.  Kyle recorded it on his phone and I think I used up all the battery after replaying it so many times.  15 weeks, 158 bpm.  Everything is going good.  I have stopped losing weight and I am now slowing gaining.  The only issue is that my blood pressure is really low, which causes me to not feel good through out the day.  The baby is sitting very low and so everyone's guess is still...boy.  I guess we will see soon enough!

Our good friends, Michelle and Adam, asked us to get a little festive with them and run in the Ugly Sweater 5k run.  Since I have not exercised that much during my pregnancy, I was a little hesitate, but was up for the challenge.  We joined the thousands of other crazy people and had a blast!  We started the race with a nice paced jog and when the snow started coming down we picked it up a bit.  Needless to say the rest of the day, Kyle and I moved a little slower and complained of all our aches and pains!

Mike Main Mustache?? HAHA!

Lookin good boys! 

Michelle and I (& baby) getting ready to run.

After the race... in the snow, waiting in line for hot chocolate, apple cider, and Sam Adams.

One week until Christmas with the Rupp's and then the Main's and two weeks until we move into our new townhome!  We have a busy couple of weeks ahead of us, but we couldn't be more excited.  If Bean cooperates, my mom is going to tell us if we will be shopping pink or blue!  I will keep everyone posted as soon as we find out! Kyle and I couldn't think of a better Christmas present this year~

Since Little Bean is still 'baking in the oven', Maverick and Maggie are our babies now.  Since the weather is starting to show its true Nebraska colors, the kitties have been extra cuddly.

Have a wonderful Pre-Christmas week and check back after Jesus's birthday to find out boy or girl!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

YAY for 2nd Trimester!

I never knew you could love someone more than life itself, yet had never met them (and was smaller than the palm of your hand)!  Even though I already love this baby more than anything and I think/pray for Little Bean every second of every day, I am very thankful that I am through the first trimester!  Morning sickness is a false term that someone made up to give pregnant mamas hope that they will only feel bad in the morning… LIARS!  It is more like ALL DAY sickness.  I am not one to really ever get sick. And I can count on one hand the times I felt bad throughout my entire life, so this yucky feeling was not cool.  Every time I would complain to my mom, she would tell me that Little Bean is just making sure that I didn’t forget that I was pregnant…Oh baby, Mommy didn’t forget about you!! HA HA~

Now that I am in my second trimester, I am starting to feel more like myself again.  There are more good days than bad and Kyle is starting to relax a little better.  Even though I was the sick one, I think the first trimester was harder on Kyle than me.  He commented often that he felt helpless and would ask me everyday how I was feeling, and when the answer was always the same (crappy),  he would get frustrated.  I did feel sorry for him though, because since I wasn’t hungry, the cooking was slim and we both ended up losing over 10 lbs. a piece.

This pregnancy has actually gone really fast.  Kyle and I are working 12+ hour days and have scheduled events most nights of the week.  I am exhausted and we have been going to bed before 9:00pm (if we get home before then!).  This weekend Robert and Jody (Kyle’s parents) came to town to help us decorate the office and do a little Christmas shopping. 

My patients are starting to call me out on the size of my growing belly!  One lady walked in the door this week and said, “Okay, is something going on here?”  We all started laughing as her face turned bright red, paused for a second and said, “no, what are you talking about?”  She was so embarrassed and when we finally told her that yes, I was indeed pregnant, she screamed with excitement and gave me the biggest hug ever!  Everyone has been so supportive and just as thrilled as we are!  I couldn’t ask for better patients~

This week is more long hours at work, bible study, a Christmas party and a wedding.  Tune in next week for more pictures and an update!  Happy December everyone!