Sunday, February 24, 2013

Busy as a Bee!

What do you get when you put a snowy weekend, a pregnant women, and a very patient husband together...Nesting!  Kyle probably thinks I am crazy.  We have deep cleaned our entire townhome 2 weekends in a row.  He was talking about going out of town next weekend just so we don't have to clean again! :)  

We were a little disappointed with the "blizzard" that was supposed to shut down Omaha over the weekend.  We rearranged our work schedule and had a very busy couple of days, which allowed us to enjoy a long weekend.  Even though we didn't get as much snow as we were supposed to, the kitties were enjoying our company.

"Mom... turn the lights off!"

"I love you Dad!"

"Good morning Mom!"

On Friday afternoon, Kyle surprised me with a Date Night!  We have been working so hard lately that I can't remember the last time we got out and enjoyed a nice dinner.  He took me to the Old Market, where we enjoyed a nice relaxing evening!  It was wonderful~

On Saturday, Kyle wanted to do something different, so we went to the Omaha Boat, Sport, and Travel Show.  It involved toys that were listed up to ~$200,000.  Whoa... who has that kind of money to spend on fun?!?  We were allowed to go through all the equipment and we even got to see a shark and a bald eagle.  It was fun to walk around and really got us excited about this summer!  (You can go camping/boating/vacationing with a newborn, right?! ;)

Family Pontoon Boat that seats 9+ people... who's with me?!

A guy can dream, can't he?!

After we came back to reality (no toys for us!), we decided to work on the nursery.  We wanted to hang her name above her crib for a cute, inexpensive wall decor. We bought the letters and painted them white.

Dad working hard, since Mom is not supposed to inhale paint fumes.

He was embarrassed by his outfit, but I told him it was going on the blog anyways! :)

That night we called up some friends and met them for a late night dinner.  We had so much fun over dinner and drinks (water for me!), that we were the last people to leave the restaurant. Oops~

Fun with Friends, Jack and Misty

The weeks keep flying by.  I hope time slows down and doesn't go this fast once she gets here. :(  We go in for our last monthly prenatal visit next week.  After that, we have to start going in every 2 weeks. Yikes!  We  were sitting in church this morning and calculated that we could potentially have 12 more Sundays (or less) without a car seat in between us!  

23 weeks

24 weeks

I hope everyone has a great week.  I can't believe March 1st is this Friday!  I will post week 25 as well as the some nursery photos soon~

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Winter Waiting....

The days and weeks just keep ticking away.  Kyle and I have been putting in looong hours at work, which makes the time fly by.  We go to work in the dark and come home in the dark and I am so glad we are doing it together!  We are settling into our new place and making it feel more like home.  We have been discussing getting the nursery started (I know- she won't be here for awhile, but planning for her makes it feel so much more real!)

Maverick and Maggie have been extra cuddly lately, and Kyle and I joke that they know their time is limited as being our "babies" and getting all of our attention.

Maverick making sure Dad knows he is here and available to be rubbed :)
(Mav doesn't care about personal space!)

Maggie loves to cuddle with Mom!

We decided on pink, gray and white for lil' Miss's room. Our parents,minus my dad :(, came up this past weekend and helped paint the nursery.  We picked up a couple pieces of furniture and it is really coming together. Kyle's mom, Jody, is going to make the crib set and we can't wait to put it all together.  I will post pictures when it is finished!

My belly keeps getting bigger and bigger and it is still amazing to see the change, even within a few days.  Baby Rupp has been really active lately and loves to show off all of her gymnastic moves around  3:00 am!  I wake up tired, but I can't stop smiling when I think of a little person moving and shaking inside my belly. Sometimes I think it isn't fair that I get to experience this awesome connection with our little girl and all Kyle gets is a crabby pregnant wife! Kyle got to feel her move for the first time the other night, and I have never seen him light up like that.  He was so excited.... it was priceless!

22 weeks

Baby Girl is almost a whole foot long and is finally over one pound!  All of my pregnancy apps and emails tell me to get ready to really start growing and gaining!  Oh boy.... here we go!!